Together, we can make
every dog feel at home

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There’s a difference between “allowing pets” & extending them a warm welcome

The travel industry is seeing a boom in pet-friendly accommodations. That’s because millions of travelers across Europe and the U.S. are choosing destinations based on how comfortable their fur family will be. Pet parents expect a 5-star experience, which means travel and hospitality businesses must adapt accordingly.

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Here’s how we’re helping our partners become leaders in pet friendly hospitality

Explore our services

Find your pet-friendly score

From human-to-human consultations to training, pet amenities and the world’s only globally-recognized certification for pet hospitality, we have something for every type of business. At every level of experience.

Start your learning journey

To make sure our hospitality standards meet those of pet parents and their pups, Woof Together Academy was designed to prepare your team for every aspect of an outstanding pet friendly experience.

Supply your business

Struggling to equip your business with high quality pet amenities? We got your back! We supply you with pet amenities and cleaning products specifically designed for professional use.

Apply for the PetStay Certification

To make sure our hospitality standards meet those of pet parents and their pups, Pet Stay certification is addressed to .

“As a superhost, getting a five-star rating for a pet-friendly experience is my greatest reward”

Read Mario's story

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